

10 Things I 学习ed Growing Up On A Farm

Posted on December 6, 2017 12:00 AM

By John Holcomb, Multimedia Journalist




1. The value of what hard work really means

I think it’s a well-known fact that farming is not just a typical 9-5 job. There's a lot more than just 40 hours involved, and you never know what temperature or weather condition you'll be working in. For a farmer, a lot of times there isn't a set schedule. Farming is an occupation where you work until the sun goes down or until you finish the job, which could easily add up to be a 14-hour day or longer.  


2. Never let your praying knees get lazy

This sounds very cliché, but if there is anything I learned in my life, this is definitely it. I think this goes for just about anything in life, but for farmers specifically. In this line of work, everything means something and nothing is too small a concern. 庄稼在生长吗?? Was it a wet enough summer to keep the grass alive? How will we respond if there's a shortage of  hay for cattle? In life, we’re all at the mercy of our maker, however farmers especially are. So many things out of our control, are what farmers have to deal with on a regular basis. It takes a lot of faith to be a farmer – their livelihood depends on it.


3. 尊重

It's not just about respect for other humans, but respect for just about anything on the farm. 是的, respect for other people is a very obvious one, but I definitely learned to respect the animals we were working with, and respect the equipment that we used. More specifically, when working cows, you often find yourself in the pen with them. 现在, a full-grown cow weighs roughly 1,200 pounds and are typically scared of you, but when you get them hemmed up, they are going to do what is necessary to keep themselves safe, which could mean charging or kicking you. So, I learned that respecting them, 在某种程度上, means knowing that they can be dangerous when they are in very anxious situations. I also learned to respect the equipment, because like the cow, some equipment can be very dangerous. I've made it a rule to not get off the tractor unless the throttle has been lowered to idle. That way, if for some, reason it gets pushed back into gear it won't take off so fast. Practicing mindfulness could possibly save my life or anyone else's on the farm.   


4. 随遇而安

There are going to be things happen in an instant. Things like a tractor breaking down in the middle of a hay field, or a flat tire on a farm truck that you use to feed with. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare in advance, something is bound to happen at some point, and I have found that it is best to just roll with it. 我的意思是, 是的, it’s frustrating and an inconvenience, but there’s nothing that you can do but just fix it and move on with your life because the sooner it gets fixed, the sooner you can go to the house and eat dinner.




5. 只管去做

If there was ever one thing my dad would get mad at me about, it was not doing what I was tasked with. It wasn’t until I was older that I really started to learn this. It's much easier to just do what I know needs to be done, when it needs to be done.   


6. Toughen up, no one owes you anything

Farmers have a certain grit unlike any other, they’re tough people. They're like that because they have to be. 农业是一项繁重的工作, 在大多数情况下, is a very slim percent of the population, 但他们没有抱怨, they just do what they need to do. They don’t sit around waiting for sympathy, 或者寻求帮助, they continue to work hard and be the best human they can.    


7. 照看好你的东西

好东西不便宜. Farming is a lot of hard work, and when you pull out that checkbook to pay for, 比方说一辆新拖拉机, you want that tractor to last as long as possible. Which means keeping it serviced, washing it, and even keeping it out from the weather. This can be true for anything, whether it be a new car, new phone, new computer. I've learned not to take anything for granted and the value of working hard to pay for it.


8. Excuses will get you nowhere

当事情出错时, or you just didn’t get something done, 或者如果你像我一样, and probably just forgot it, like picking up twine from the store when you’re bailing hay that day, 承认吧, and don’t waste your time on excuses. Excuses don’t get anything accomplished.   


9 & 10. Help others and let others help you

I combined these two because they no doubt go hand in hand with each other. It’s always wonderful to help someone. Whether it be helping a neighbor work their cows, or help someone receive their chickens - people need help sometimes, and there will be times (probably a few times), when you are going to need help as well.

爱这个. Not many people know much if anything about farming and this gives a little insight. Can't wait to see what you write next.